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Ajit Jaokar
Ajit Jaokar is the founder of the London based research company FutureText which specializes in identifying and researching cross-domain technology trends.

In 2009, Ajit was nominated to the World Economic Forum's 'Future of the Internet' council. In 2011, he was nominated to the World Smart Capital program (Amsterdam). Ajit moderates/chairs Oxford University's Next Generation Mobile Applications Panel and conducts courses at Oxford in the next generation Telecoms trends. In 2012, he was nominated to the board of Connected Liverpool — Resilient Liverpool programs — based in the city of Liverpool for their Smart city vision.

His consulting activities include working with companies to define value propositions across the 'converged stack'. Ajit has worked with a range of commercial and government organizations including in strategic and visionary roles.

Since May 2005, he has founded and run the OpenGardens Blog which is widely respected in the mobile/telecoms industry.

Ajit has spoken at many conferences which include MobileWorld Congress (4 times), CTIA, CEBIT, Web20 Expo; Java One; European Parliament; Stanford University; MIT Sloan; Fraunhofer FOKUS; University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).

Ajit follows and studies white space networks as part of his PhD.

Ajit is the founder of the ed-tech start-up Feynlabs is the first initiative to teach the concepts of programming languages to kids (as opposed to a specific programming language). By abstracting the common elements of programming languages, our aim is to rapidly learn any programming language. We have more than 40K fans on Facebook and covered in major tech-ed publications. We are running trials in Europe and North America. All our content will be always open sourced and also free for schools. Feynlabs was founded on inspiration by Ajit's then seven year old son Aditya Jaokar (now nine years old).

See Mobile World Congress (WMB2013):

George Lucas Education Foundation:
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