Top Interview

Charlene Walrad
Charlene (Chuck) Walrad
Position statement:
I very much appreciate the honor of being nominated as First Vice President of the Computer Society. As a long-time participant in a very wide range of CS boards and committees, one of the most rewarding aspects of being a volunteer has been the opportunity to work with volunteers in other countries. We truly are a global organization!

We are uniquely positioned to form a common international voice for computing professionals, and to help them advance in professional development and in their professions, wherever they are. As Vice President of Standards, I have seen up close how valuable our international standards are in the global community. I will continue to work for increased international representation in our standards development efforts.

As Chair of the Professional Activities Board's IT Committee, I've also seen how much it can benefit IT professionals across the globe to enjoy a common language of IT. As part of my duties, I am overseeing the development of a Guide to the IT Body of Knowledge and the development of an IT competency model. Our goal is to create a transnational framework for IT excellence. In doing this, we will serve not only our individual members, but we will also foster greater contact and collaboration with industry in such key areas as Smart Grid, Cloud Computing, Green Technologies, Cybersecurity, and Technology Management. This in turn leads to closer collaboration with academia, as we share with them society's needs for the next generation's education.

Charlene (Chuck) Walrad has more than 30 years of experience in the software and IT industries, leading the development of more than two dozen commercial software products across a variety of applications, ranging from the widely used Systran natural language translation systems to CA's Ingres RDBMS system. In 1987, she founded Davenport Consulting (, whose clients include companies like Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, AAA, and Ford. She has spoken at numerous industry conferences and written several publications in the field.

Walrad is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the Board of Governors, VP of the Standards Activities Board and chairs the IT Committee of Professional Activities Board. She is a past member of the Computer Society's Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Nomination Committee, Digital Library Operations Committee, the Executive Committees of IEEE's Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC) and of the Technical and Conference Activities Board and was the working group Chair for the development of a new software configuration management standard, IEEE Std 828-2012.

Walrad received her first two degrees from Arizona State University and the third from the University of California, San Diego.
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