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Mark Mueller-Eberstein
MARK MUELLER-EBERSTEIN is founder and CEO of Adgetec Corporation, whose mission is to help organizations and their leaders realize value globally.

Mueller-Eberstein is a recognized thought leader, speaker, mentor, and coach for topics as:

Leveraging IT for business success
Global consumerization of IT
Connecting people
Reducing ambiguity
Organizational culture for the next generation
Organizational leadership values
In addition to blogs, whitepapers and research papers, Mark Mueller-Eberstein is the author of "Agility - Competing and Winning in a Tech-Savvy Marketplace" and co-author of "No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of Digital Cowboys". Mueller-Eberstein's books are written based on his over fifteen years of global experience in the IT industry, working with companies and governments to choose, adopt, roll out, and measure the impact of new technologies.

Mark Mueller-Eberstein can be contacted at
He is blogging and discussing at

Mueller-Eberstein's career:
At Microsoft, he was responsible for the customers' value realization and deployment experience of Microsoft's Office and collaboration products, the customer and partner engagement during Microsoft's software development process, and joint research with leading academic institutions on technology adoption and its impact on business results.

He is coaching organizations' employees, customers and partners across the globe on this and other topics.

Prior to joining Microsoft, Mueller-Eberstein was at Hewlett-Packard in leadership positions in business development, marketing, and product management.

Mark Mueller-Eberstein received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Technology Berlin and studied at the University of Marburg, both in his native country of Germany. Over the last years, he worked closely and published with the researchers from Boston University.

Mark Meuller-Eberstein - Author & Consultant
"Agility: Competing and Winning in a Tech-Savvy Marketplace"
"No Fear: Business Leadership In the Age of Digital Cowboys"
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