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Ryan Waite
Ryan Waite is the partner director of development for Technical Computing at Microsoft Corp. He leads the software engineering team responsible for Windows HPC Server and the Parallel Computing Platform. He has been at Microsoft for 19 years and was most recently the general manager for Windows HPC Server.

Previously he has worked in test, development and program management roles on a variety of server products, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Small Business Server, BackOffice Server, Windows Server and, for a change of pace, Windows Mobile for Smartphones. His passions involve simplifying complex tools for use by the general computing community; Small Business Server allowed small businesses to harness the same types of server technologies previously used solely by large corporations, and Windows HPC Server is bringing cluster-based supercomputing to scientists, researchers and engineers who would have before found setting up, programming and using a cluster a daunting task.

Waite lives in Seattle and in his spare time enjoys sailing.
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